Photo courtesy of El Árbol Brunch.
New in Town: El Árbol Brunch
Perhaps you know the original El Árbol Brunch, a charming spot on the corner of Aribau and Consell de Cent. Now, by popular demand, they’ve opened a second location (a little brother/un hermanito) on Passeig Sant Joan and Casp so you can get your brunch fix on both sides of the Eixample. If you don’t yet speak Spanish, árbol means tree and these folks take their roots seriously. The décor is full of natural colors, wood furnishings, hanging plants and swings, and the food is nothing but natural too, featuring breakfasts and lunches, as well as smoothies, snacks, coffees and more. And since the kitchen is non-stop, eat your heart out with dessert for breakfast or toast for dinner.
Árbol Brunch, Passeig de Sant Joan 33.