Eleanor Walker, UK, director of Useful Languages
Eleanor Walker is the director of Useful Languages, a Cambridge oral and writing examiner and mother of a two-year-old girl. Originally from Sheffield, England, she came to Barcelona just over five years to be with her partner, after having lived in Seville for nine years.
7AM If my daughter hasn’t woken up before this time, then I’m naturally awake by 7am, or 7.30am at the latest. I rarely have to set an alarm these days. I usually have breakfast while playing with my daughter before she goes off to nursery.
9AM If it’s my turn to take my daughter to nursery then I drop her off as close to nine as we can manage, and then head to the academy. Some days, I have an off-site business class that I go to first, and other days I might be examining anywhere in or around Barcelona.
My tasks in the office vary massively from checking how the classes are running (speaking to students, observing classes, etc.) to communicating with clients, organising my very erratic working week and also constantly looking for ways to attract new students and keep business coming in. We have recently become an exam centre, offering the long-standing TOEFL exam, as well as looking for ways to promote the brand new Oxford Test of English. It all keeps me very busy!
1.30PM My lunch can be any time between 1.30pm and 3.30pm—although I don’t take a two-hour lunch break—depending on what classes I have or what’s going on that day. I eat something fairly quickly at the academy but never at my desk; I like to go into a different room and watch something on YouTube while I eat to try to disconnect just a little.
3PM The afternoon is pretty much a repeat of the morning, although my overall routine varies from day to day, depending on what classes I have or what time of year it is. If it’s peak exam season, for example, I can be examining all day.
6PM I try to get home much earlier these days to spend some time with my daughter before she goes to bed. We play for an hour or so, then it’s dinner, bath and bed.
8PM My partner and I try to have dinner a little earlier than we used to—around 8-8.30pm—then we like to wind down watching something on Netflix. We’re currently watching the new season of Modern Family. I also try to get out for dinner at least once a week with friends, although it’s not usually a late night anymore—toddlers and hangovers just don’t mix!