Jan McDowell
1. Where did the original idea come from? Quite simply myself, friends and family were fed up using a calling card with fiddly long numbers to get cheaper phone calls to the UK . I knew there must be a better alternative .
2. How long did it take to get your business off the ground? It was literally a matter of months once the systems were in place. It is a very simply technology or at least it was in the good old days!!
3. What do you wish you’d known when you started? That this particular field would move so fast. There are times when we have felt like road runner. It has been amazing to watch the telecommunication industry go from strength to strength in Spain and the Islands. I do not think anyone can say now the Spain is too far behind the rest of the EU.
4. How easy was it get the financing for your business? Relatively straight forward.
5. Did you find the paperwork difficult? Not particularly as we let the experts deal with that. My advice would be do the same to any new company.
6. Did you get help from any particular official organisations or associations? We work now with many organisations but 10 years ago there was not much help around.
7. What is your business experience / background / qualifications? Very varied but suffice to say I have been in business all my life with different degrees of success. Tenacity and teamwork is the key to growth.
8. What are the positive aspects of having a business here? The people are calmer across the board and although it does take some getting used too overall it makes for better relationships business-wise.
9. And the negative aspects? Paperwork and forthcoming support.
10. Are there any other useful contacts, tips or information you think would be useful to other foreign entrepreneurs in Barcelona? We have covered Spain and the Islands with our products and services for 10 years.
We have tens of thousands of clients, however this is the first time we have actively marketed in Barcelona. Our market research tells us that the Expats of this city and surrounding areas want / need a Telecommunication company that they can speak too in their own language and receive a standard of customer service plus competitive prices. Telitec can provide this.