Pains of Being Pure at Heart
Still looking like the dorky Monday after-school band, The Pains have moved up a notch on their second LP Belong.
They’ve drafted in Flood and Alan Moulder, producers responsible for the sound of Smashing Pumpkins and Depeche Mode back when The Pains were still in nappies, and come up with a more confident, brassy sound. Yet despite their bookish looks it’s their poor lyrics that let this New York group down. Despite the grown-up makeover their overly emotional lyrics reveal that they’ve still got a way to go to shed the amateurish, musical puppy fat. But there are diamonds within the dirt and if you loved their more shambolic self-titled first LP, then it’s likely you’re going to stick around with this band and see what comes next.
June 20th, 2011. Sala Apolo