Miquel Barceló
Elefante - CaixaForum
Two comprehensive exhibitions, running concurrently at the CaixaForum and Arts Santa Monica galleries, take you on a unique journey from past to present through the life of Miquel Barceló. The Mallorquín artist’s work (b. 1957) spans almost four decades with his early and lesser-known work, dating from between 1973 to 1982, being showcased at Arts Santa Monica, while the CaixaForum displays that of the last 25 years.
Form and texture are strong underlying themes throughout. The changing factor is diversity between mediums; sculpture, paintings, drawings, sketches and books but all include the use of organic material. From intricate skeletal structures that draw you in close to enormous paintings enjoyed from various angles, it is clear Barceló was as comfortable expressing himself through a spectrum of artistic vehicles. It is through these varying means that we experience the evolution of his ideas, instruments and inspirations.
Of the six different sections at Arts Santa Monica, the ‘Bestiary’ segment includes framed hair and fossilised animal remains. It is a clear realisation of his fascination with the animal world and the link he made to preservation. This theme, which forms a great part of his early work, continues into the later years.
CaixaForum’s display of Barceló’s more recent work grows in scale yet encompasses the same intensity of textures, pigments and organic matter. Of particular interest is the video display of a joint project with dancer, Josef Nadj entitled, ‘The Paso Doble’. The projection unveils an element of the mystery behind his intriguing forms and creations. It’s a theatrical transformation of a fresh clay wall into a work of art. Performed by two artists, different in genre, yet linked by expression.
Together, both exhibitions are an extensive representation of Barceló’s evolving work. An exploration of different themes and admirations expressed through various mediums.
Miquel Barceló - La Solitude Organisative
Until January 9th, 2011
Barceló abans de Barceló
Arts Santa Monica
Until September 26th