Dog Walking
Every wanted to do some volunteer work in Barcelona? Here are a few ideas you might consider:
ACASA (Age Concern Acción Social y Asistencial) is an Age Concern España project designed to support English speakers living in Spain, aiding them financially and socially in order to encourage successful integration into Spanish society. Aimed at assisting residents over the age of 50 and ex-members of the British Armed Forces and their families, ACASA relies on voluntary support and public funding to achieve its goals. The organisation is searching for volunteers to help raise awareness of the work done by their caseworkers but also welcomes individuals who wish to lend their services by providing social contact and financial advice to their clientele. Fundraising events such as pub quizzes and the Big Brew Up (a tea and refreshments party) have already proved popular and ACASA is looking for more pubs and cafés to host them. For details, visit www.acespana.org.
You may not have the time or space to care for an animal in your home but Lliga per a la Protecció d’Animals i Plantes de Barcelona provides a hopeful alternative for cats and dogs that deserve a second chance. The refuge, which is located on Guarda Antón 10, near the foot of the Tibidabo funicular, has several volunteering options for animal lovers who can provide a lot of happiness with just a small amount of their time. From sponsoring animals (€15 monthly) to donations, cat care to dog-walking, the organisation is determined to improve the lives of unfortunate animals, the majority of which have been separated from their one-time owners. The refuge strives to provide these pets with new homes and ensures that they undergo medical examination before being put up for adoption. The profiles of the animals in need can be found on www.protectorabcn.es along with further information for those interested in volunteering.
International institutions provide an extensive range of volunteering opportunities. St.George’s Church is one example which offers manys ways to get involved, whether it be youth work, gardening, marketing or pastoral care. This month, for their annual Spring Clothes Fair on Saturday 10th (the picture is taken from last year’s event), they’re looking for good-condition items and volunteers to man stalls. To lend your services, visit www.st-georges-church.com.