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Image courtesy of St PETER’S SCHOOL.
This discussion predominantly splits into two polarized groups: proponents advocating for the integration of these tools as a central part of the learning methodology and perhaps even the focal point of the educational project, and others urging a return to paper and pencil, eliminating the utilization of any devices, given the many problems these are creating at schools.
The abuse or misuse of networks, video games, the internet and an array of applications, including artificial intelligence platforms, undeniably pose a complex challenge for educators today. On the other hand, these resources, when harnessed properly, can potentially advance students far beyond their peers.
Addressing this complex problem demands more than a simplistic, unilateral solution of eradicating electronic devices from the student’s environment. It requires a well-defined strategy delineating the parameters of their use.

Image courtesy of St PETER’S SCHOOL.
How Is This Strategy Conceived at St PETER’S?
First and foremost, a clear set of guidelines regulating the responsible use of these devices is imperative, and also necessary considering the legal implications. This should be transparent, widely recognized and effectively implemented, incorporating directives such as permitting device usage solely for tasks assigned by a teacher or for academic pursuits endorsed within the educational framework.
Secondly, a detailed curriculum outlining the requisite device-utilization for each grade is essential. It would specify the purpose, the necessary devices and applications, and the pertinent information accessible to students. Consequently, families can be informed of the precise needs and activities necessitating a computer, facilitating a constructive role in their child’s education.
The third pillar involves the commitment of the teaching staff towards this. It is vital for educators to be well informed about the strategy and to actively participate in its design, with certain technological and pedagogical knowledge. Being on the edge of technological advancements and being tuned in to the latest trends will help teachers to guide students in navigating the digital world.

Image courtesy of St PETER’S SCHOOL.
Despite this, there remains an important space for the traditional mediums of paper and pencil. Educators know how to use this space judiciously, ensuring that the digital tsunami remains balanced with the analog experiences, building up well-rounded students.
One last word. Denial is never a constructive approach in problem-solving. Dismissing the potential opened by technology is not just irrational but futile, given its presence in daily life. Let us guide students towards making the best out of technology, teaching literate individuals who are prepared to navigate the many futures they may face.
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Sponsored by St PETER’S SCHOOL.