Sam Mednick is a professional Life and Executive Coach based in Barcelona (www.blueprintcoaching.ca). A Canadian native, she’s been living in the city for eight years working with companies as well as individuals focusing on transitions, communication, leadership training, time management and productivity as well as emotional intelligence development. For more coaching tips, tune into her Podcast.
SAM SAYS: Get the ball rolling before you move
Dear Sam,
I’m an architect, and when Barcelona’s crisis hit in 2008, I had to leave the city as business was terrible. Since then I’ve built up a wonderful company in London and things are going well. That being said, I can’t shake this burning desire to return to my old life in Barcelona. I know the ‘worst’ of it is over and the ‘world of architects’ has started to pick up again, but the longer I stay in London the more comfortable I feel and the more daunting it seems to pack my bags. I don’t want to start from scratch, and I don’t want to leave a good thing behind, but I’d much rather be living by the Mediterranean. How can I convince myself that it’ll be OK, that I should just take the plunge?
Thanks for your time!
Scared to go home
Hi Scared to go home,
It must have been extremely challenging for you when the crisis hit. I know architects and builders were some of the most affected industries. I applaud you for making it work in London and can imagine it wasn’t an easy shift. I also give you a lot of credit for being so in tune with yourself, that as wonderful as things are there, you recognise your desire to live by the sea. That’s a hard feeling to ignore, especially since this is a hard place to stay away from.
I think the first question to address is: Which part of moving back are you so afraid of? Which part do you think will NOT be OK?
It’s easier to convince yourself that everything will work out if you can narrow down what’s worrying you. More often than not we create ‘monsters’ in our heads and when looking at situations with a bit more perspective, we realise these can be self-limiting beliefs. Things that we convince ourselves to be true but in fact hold no weight.
Once you’ve dissected your concerns and are sure that you want to make the shift, here are a few other ideas to help you get over the hump:
1: Write down and articulate why you want to move back. Things can sometimes be easier to dismiss when we just feel them in our gut. Write down your WHY for moving on a piece of paper and say it out loud to your friends and family. By doing this you’re making the prospect of changing cities real and it’ll be a lot harder to ignore.
2: Reach out to people ‘on the other side’. Get in touch with your network in Barcelona, set up meetings and start looking for work/life opportunities BEFORE you arrive. This will allow you to hit the ground running once you get here.
3: Give yourself peace of mind. Ask the question: What do I personally need in order to make relocating a simple, safe and relaxed process? Some people want a financial cushion, others need to feel like they’ve tied up all loose ends or know they have a comfortable place to stay when they get there. Find out what exactly would make you feel better and rest assured that you’re making the right decision, and do your best to put those pieces of the puzzle into place. The more at peace you are, the more confident you’ll feel and the more motivated you’ll be.
To share your thoughts on this column or ask Sam a question email sam@blueprintcoaching.ca, or write to Metropolitan at editorial@barcelona-metropolitan.com