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Beach reading
Centre de la Platja
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Beach volleyball
Centre de la Platja
Forgot your book, bucket or spade?—Borrow what you need at the centre de la platja
The Centre de la Platja is a positive treasure trove where you can find everything you might need for the perfect day at the beach.
· ID bracelets: A hugely useful service when the beaches get busy. Just leave your NIE details, register your child and receive an ID bracelet just in case one of your family gets lost·
· Biblioplatja: If you’ve left behind your essential reading material then you can borrow magazines, books and daily press (some titles in English). With a total of 283 titles available for children, young adults and adults.
· Esportplatja: Borrow sports equipment including volleyball nets, frisbees, and bat and ball.
· Ludoplatja: The centre can also lend you all your crucial sandcastle-making tools.
Located in Barceloneta in front of the Hospital del Mar and Espigó de Bac de Roda. Services are available 11am-6pm Tel. 93 221 0348. Bac de Roda is open until 31st August and the Barceloneta location is open until September 30th. Tel. 93 221 0348.