Barcelona's business and networking groups meet up for anything from workshops to informal lunches. Use your new connections to get ahead in the industry or just improve your communication skills.
English Plus Network
TEFL jobs, teacher training courses, study and work abroad programs for English language students. Member discounts on all English Plus directory courses. www.learnenglishplus.com
Cámara de Comercio Hispano-Sueca de Barcelona Organisation aimed at strengthening commercial ties between Spain and Sweden, via Catalunya. They organise activities and networking opportunities for those interested in this market. www.cchsbcn.com
Círculo Hispano-Alemán de Jóvenes Directivos Spanish-German group for young executives and entrepreneurs. Organises company visits, conferences, social and networking events. www.wijus-bcn.com, info@wijus-bcn.com
EPWN. European Professional Women’s Network. EPWN is an international network of 3500 professional women (90 nationalities) who are entitled to attend EPWN events offered throughout Europe. EPWN Barcelona offers monthly networking drinks and regular speaker and networking events. www.Europeanpwn.net or caroline.courtier@gmail.com
Entrepreneurs Network in bARcELOnA. This non-profit group organises monthly networking events and business seminars every second month. Details of upcoming events can be found at www.networkbarcelona.com
European Women’s Management Development Network. International group for women in business. Meetings, conferences, networking evenings. www.ewmd.org
Home educators. Meeting once a month to share support, encouragement and information. Tel. 658 253 065
Intermix Bcn. Monthly networking event for international professionals to expand social circles. Event held in private apartment. Next event Saturday 20th June. For more information go to intermixbcn@gmail.com
Jci Empresaris Barcelona. An affiliate of the Junior Chamber International, a world-wide association of young leaders and entrepreneurs, the JCIEB offers a range of activities of interest to young leaders between the ages of 25 and 35. President: Olga Ferrer Escursell. Gran Via 617, 2-A, Tel. 93 412 2945, www.jciempresarisbarcelona.com
The Business Lunch. Lively, informal lunches held periodically in Barcelona for English-speaking businessmen and women. www.thebizlunch.com
Toastmasters Clubs. Lose fears of public speaking & improve communication and leadership skills: Prestigious Speakers English-Speaking Club. First, 3rd Tuesday, evening. info@prestigiousspeakers.com, or prestigiousspeakers.com; Barcelona Toastmasters Club English-Spanish bilingual group. Wednesday evenings. www.bcn-toastmasters.com, info@bcn-toastmasters.com; Dernier Cri French/English club. Tel. 93 580 8729 (for all three groups)
NETTING SANT Cugat: Professional & social international networking group, weekly BarNetting, activities, language services. http://nettings.tripod.com, netting@telefonica.net