Veus: Songs of Hope
L'Auditori Lepant 150, 08013 Barcelona

Image courtesy of L'Auditori
The ensemble Veus (“voices” in Catalan) is committed to making their music colorful and moving, to fill the room with visual details as well as sound.
With songs from Spain to Southeast Asia and from there to the United States, the group embarks on a musical tour that begins with "Wau Bulan,” a traditional Malaysian song that describes the beauty of the traditional Malaysian kite, which is shaped like a flying crescent moon. From there, the journey continues with a sample of folk songs harmonized by Josep Maria Ruera, a musician and teacher with close ties to the town of Granollers.
There will also be a premiere of a new work by the composer and soprano Anna Campmany, an award winner in the International Choral Music Competition Orfeó Català 2019.
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