Trena. Laia Estruch
Museu Nacional d'Art de Catalunya (MNAC) Palau Nacional, Parc de Montjüic, 08038 Barcelona

Image courtesy of the Museum Nacional D'Art de Catalunya.
The artist Laia Estruch has created a sound sculpture that will be installed and activated in the Museum's Oval Room this summer. This sculpture, which will form a circuit 35 meters long by 6.60 meters wide and five meters high, is made up of iron tubes two meters in diameter. It has a performative nature and will be added to the body of the Museum to draw a new sound route, a new way to inhabit it, travel through it and listen to it.
Trena is a circulation system that starts from the morphology of the plexus (from the Latin 'trena'), the branched network of vessels or nerves within the human body. The structure of the sculpture is also inspired by the study of the architecture of automobile circuits, athletic circuits and amusement parks, as well as the routes created under cities to channel water or gas, (routes, tracks and closed paths, designed by the flow of bodies and materials traveling at different speeds below or above the earth).
The project arises from the artist's desire to open new lines of research related to the movement of the body in relation to the voice and the word, forcing its behavior and gestures. In this setting, designed to amplify and delocalize the sound of the body by running through it and raising your voices, a series of experimental staging practices will be carried out that will allow us to question the limits of public space, the circulation systems of bodies within a space exposed and open to sight and hearing. Once inside the circuit, we can be constantly heard and enveloped by the sound generated inside the sculpture.
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