Reflecting on Justice: An Ongoing Project
Michael Walzer and Jordi Graupera
Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona (CCCB) Carrer de Montalegre 5, 08001 Barcelona

Michael Walzer, one of the essential voices in contemporary political thought, talks with Jordi Graupera following the publication in Catalan of Prim i gruixut. Argumentació moral adreçada a propis i estranys (Sidillà, 2023), (Thick and Thin: Moral Argument at Home and Abroad).
A key figure in academic circles with a continuing presence in the public debate, Michael Walzer is one of the most influential philosophical thinkers of this century. For more than four decades, Walzer has reflected on the central challenges facing society today, often questioning consensus and highlighting the contradictions that inevitably emerge from living in a complex world. Walzer has tackled the major political phenomena and debates of our time with the rigor of philosophical argumentation and a deep understanding of human nature: from war to democratic pluralism and liberalism, and more broadly, tolerance and difference. In Thick and Thin, he reviews some of his previous theses, engaging in a dialogue and refuting other fundamental voices such as Jürgen Habermas, John Rawls and Robert Nozick, while defending the idea that reflecting on justice and social critique will always be an ongoing project.
Event will be held in Catalan and English with simultaneous translation from English to Catalan.
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