Penelope, the Sea Is Yours
Museu Marítim de Barcelona Avinguda de les Drassanes, 08001 Barcelona

The Penelope, the Sea Is Yours exhibition is inspired by Homer's myth from his epic poem The Odyssey. While her husband Odysseus, who had left for the Trojan War, was away for 20 years, Penelope demonstrated her resourcefulness and patience by weaving a shroud during the day and unraveling it at night, to delay finding a new husband.
Great navigators are known for their patience and inventiveness. The Penelope, the Sea Is Yours exhibition showcases the experiences and challenges of six outstanding women in the sailing world at different stages of their professional careers:
• Abril Marfà, a promising eleven-year-old fearless in the face of challenges.
• Natàlia Via-Dufresne, regatta sailor with a long track record of victories.
• Nora García, Nacra 15 world champion who is dreaming of the Olympics.
• Maria Torrijo, world's first woman to be a judge, referee and international regatta official.
• Andrea Emone, regatta sailor and aerospace engineer for the Alinghi Red Bull Racing Team.
• Ana Pujol, multiple patín de vela regatta winner.
The exhibition also includes four activity points specially designed to introduce children to the world of sailing.

A replica of Ictíneo I sits in the courtyard of the Museu Marítim de Barcelona. Photo by Vicente Zambrano González courtesy of Ajuntament de Barcelona (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).