Live Choir
Mas i Mas Festival
Avinguda Paraŀlel 62 Avinguda del Paral·lel 62, 08001 Barcelona

Image courtesy of Mas I Mas Festival
Live Choir is the first professional gospel-funk group in Spain. With an overwhelming live show, the group brings together authentic referents of black music at a national level. Blues, soul and Afro-American funky make up the skeleton of this musical experience. As for influences, Live Choir mentions the great authors of modern gospel: Kirk Franklin, Tye Tribbet, Fred Hammond and Trey McLauhlin, and classics such as Aretha Franklin, Sam Cooke and Ottis Redding. "Awesome God," "Hossanna," "He Reigns," "I'm a Believer" and "Don't Cry" are some of the songs they perform, as well as the classics "Oh, Happy Day," "This Little Light of Mine" and "Ain't No Mountain."
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