Laura Misch
Sala La Nau Carrer d'Àlaba 30, 08005 Barcelona

In October, British artist Laura Misch will have released her first album, Sample the Sky, and shortly after, the audience at Barcelona's La Nau will be among the first to hear it live.
It is often said that music is the most immediate of the arts, the one that requires the fewest intermediaries between its initial spark, the creative gesture and the emotion it provokes in the recipient. Even so, Laura Misch has the feeling that there are too many obstacles in the way: the studio, the recording process, the mixing and so on.
To circumvent these “barriers," the young saxophonist has designed her own portable rig, with an amplifier, looper and modular synthesizer attached to a belt, allowing her to manipulate sound in situ, to create music in a way that lands somewhere between field recording and traditional live performance. That technical ingenuity is complemented by a compositional audacity of a player whose pop grooves and jazz melodies form a part of the same musical mashup.
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