La Plata
Sala La Nau Carrer d'Àlaba 30, 08005 Barcelona

Image courtesy of La Nau Barcelona.
La Plata is a group that seems to have come from another time, with that halo of classical training wrapped in romanticism that is almost impossible to find in these times of exhibitionism on the RRSS and culture of fast consumption. All their steps seem deeply meditated as if they responded to a master plan that has been carefully fulfilled since the group debuted with Un Atasco, the three-song EP that Sonido Muchacho published in 2017.
After Un Atasco would come to the definitive confirmation of the group, their debut album Desorden, which almost unintentionally placed them at the forefront of the new generation of guitar bands, and also very close to a new wave of formations very interested in dark sounds, of postpunk roots.
The publication in 2022 of their second album, Acción Directa", confirms that La Plata is a rare bird inside and outside our borders, playing classic songs with a twist.
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