Jose Carra Quintet
Nova Jazz Cava Passatge Tete Montoliu 24, 08221 Terrassa

Image courtesy of Jazz Terrassa.
The pianist from Malaga, Jose Carra, presents the new work Satélite at Nova Jazz Cava.
Along with the usual trio from Carra the album includes Bori Albero (double bass), Dani Domínguez (drums), Luís Regidor (guitar and voice) and Enrique Oliver (sax). In Satellite they immerse themselves in a more eclectic sound with elaborate melodies, a base close to electronics and metal rock and harmonies reminiscent of the classic.
The disk is a loop; all the songs are connected and the fact that the last song continues with the first means that there is no first song. There is no end or beginning—the album could start at any point.
The motivic material evolves through the songs; there are parts that are written backwards, and then turned around again but with the notes inverted. All this is heavily influenced by the book Gödel, Escher, Bach: An Eternal and Graceful Loop, Gödel's Incompleteness Theorem, which has to do with the recursive algorithms and self-references of Escher's lithographs, paradoxes and puzzles.
The music is also inspired by astrophysical phenomena and represents a new sound in Carra's universe, much closer to metal rock and electronics.
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