Johnny Burning
Apolo [2] C/ Nou de la Rambla 113, 08004 Barcelona

Image Courtesy of Apolo
You either have it, or you don't. And Johnny has more than enough: some things cannot be learned or pretended. Devoting a lifetime to rock and roll, writing it, performing it, immersing himself in it, and surviving to tell about it. This 2022 he takes the Hagámoslo tour on the road. Accompanied by his entire new band, they will go on an extensive tour of venues in which they will be accompanied by a luxury opening act, Atraco—one of the hottest emerging rock bands on the national scene.
Johnny Cifuentes, Johnny Cocodrilo, plain Johnny or Johnny Burning, call him what you prefer, is an outlaw hardened in a thousand battles and endless nights of rock and debauchery, yet he somehow maintains the energy and passion necessary to embark on a new adventure. Entitled Let's Do It, the first adventure he undertakes alone is full of excellent songs and independent chapters that fit together with pinpoint precision. Although very well accompanied by a group of old friends, guys like him, willing to protect tooth and nail the sacred writings of good old rock and roll.
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