"Gun Crazy"
Filmoteca de Catalunya Plaça Salvador Seguí 1-9, 08001 Barcelona
Image courtesy of Filmoteca de Catalunya
Gun Crazy is a 1950 American crime film noir starring Peggy Cummins and John Dall in a story about the crime-spree of a gun-toting husband and wife. A classic of gangster and B-series cinema, it was shot with a ridiculous budget, but in a context of great creative freedom at the expense of King Brothers Productions. Revered by Cahiers du Cinéma and Martin Scorsese, it marks an entire generation of both filmmakers and cinephiles.
"Lewis insists less on the phallic and fetishistic connotations of guns than on the pleasure experienced by the two lovers cursed to live fast, steal a lot of money, die young and leave a beautiful corpse" (Olivier Père).
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