Dani Nel·lo Quartet
CaixaForum Barcelona Av. de Francesc Ferrer i Guàrdia 6-8, 08038 Barcelona

Image courtesy of Caixa Forum
The year 2021 marked the 10th anniversary of the recording of Noir, an album that evokes both the universe of jazz noir and criminal fiction and offers a unique vision of the language of the saxophone in the blues of the 1950s. Likewise, it is also a tribute to the albums that marked saxophonist Dani Nel·lo at the beginning of his career of more than 30 years. Revisiting Noir has served to give a new impetus to the quartet and expand its repertoire with new compositions. This is one of the attractions of his concerts: none are the same. Dani Nel·lo reveals his most intimate and personal sides on this journey through a universe of shadows, seduction and nightclubs.
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