Cruz Cafuné
Razzmatazz Carrer dels Almogàvers 122, 08018 Barcelona

Image courtesy of Sala Razzmataz.
Canarian singer, rapper and songwriter, Cruz Cafuné burst onto the scene with his collective BNMP (Broke Niños Make Pesos) and put his island on the map. With a modern, soulful and electronic sound that is rooted in the tropics, Cafuné and the members of BNMP began releasing singles in the summer of 2015. The island vibes and a fresh and sonically developed proposal led to a great underground following quickly capturing the attention of the Spanish urban scene.
His Canarian cultural background, halfway between Africa, Europe and Latin America, his relaxed melodies in contrast to the direct lyrics and his revisited approach to pop music, have turned him into a half crooner and half rapper with an eclectic and interesting body of work.
After his first full-length, Maracucho Bueno Die Chiquito, published in March 2018 and which took him to tour Spain and Mexico, he released his second album Moonlight 922 in January 2020, followed by the EPs Visión Túnel and Cancer, Capricorn, Virgo in 2021.
His latest singles "Deporvidas," "Muchoperro," "No Se Emula," "TURBO // Epifanía" and "Ja Morant" anticipate what will be his next album Me Muevo Con Dios, and allow us a glimpse of a versatile artist who is reinventing the mainstream.
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