Cassandra Jenkins
Razzmatazz Carrer dels Almogàvers 122, 08018 Barcelona

Image courtesy of Razzmatazz
There are things that no matter how many times you see them—hear them—they never cease to amaze you, with which you always become engrossed in their “something” different. Something phenomenal. Getting corny, things like the crashing of the waves or a calm horizon, things like the ones Cassandra Jenkins does and like the ones she has chosen for the cover of her second work, An Overview on Phenomenal Nature. The New York singer-songwriter has a maximum, or so it seems: melody, melody and melody. None of the lines on this album imbued with loss and redemption are left to chance, all of them braided with subtle jazz, healing pop-folk and a certain luminous sadness. Filled with people, stories, and dialogue, the New York songwriter’s second album flows like an emotional breakthrough, tying together disparate observations into a serene and unified vision.
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