The Sherlock Holmes Collection at Biblioteca Arús
Biblioteca Pública Arús Passeig de Sant Joan 26, 08010 Barcelona

A visit to the Arús Library allows you to delve into the history of its foundation and its collections around the social movements of the 19th and 20th centuries. Also, you'll visit Joan Proubasta's Sherlock Holmes collection, one of the most important private collections dedicated to the figure of Sherlock Holmes.
The Biblioteca Pública Arús was set up in 1895 as a library to educate the working class and is now a research center specializing in contemporary social movements. When it opened, the library’s collection consisted of some 24,000 volumes that encompassed all the fields of knowledge of the day, including philosophy, religion, social sciences, law, languages, biology, botany, medicine, art, music, literature, geography and history. This highly prized collection survives almost intact today and bears witness to the age when the library was founded.
The guided tour brings you through the history of this unique library and its connections with the history of the social movements prevalent in Barcelona during the 19th and early 20th centuries.
Tours are available in English at 10:00, Spanish at 11:15 and Catalan at 12:30.
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