Palau Baró de Quadras Guided Tour
Palau Baró de Quadras Avinguda Diagonal 373, 08008 Barcelona

In 1900 the Baron de Quadras commissioned Josep Puig i Cadafalch to refurbish a residential block on Barcelona’s Carrer de Rosselló. No sooner said than done: the modernista architect radically transformed the building, providing it with two distinct façades that make it truly unique.
When viewed from the Avinguda Diagonal, the building is reminiscent of the Gothic palaces of northern Europe, its style highlighting the noble character of the building. The long balcony, with its busts of eminent medieval and Renaissance figures, the mansards on the upper floor, and the floral motifs and heraldic shields, are fully in keeping with the medieval European style. The façade on Carrer de Rosselló retains some elements of the original building, decorated in the modernista style.
Inside the palace, the most eclectic decorations predominate, with a combination of different styles. For instance, we see the clear influence of neo-Gothic on the grand staircase and the wrought-iron entrance door. The mosaics, sgraffito work and multi-colored woodwork, are reminiscent of the neo-Arabic style. In a nutshell, this is a building full of surprises and details you are bound to fall in love with.
The Palau Baró de Quadras has been cataloged as an Artistic Historic Monument of National Interest since 1976 and now houses the Institut Ramon Llull.
Tours are one hour long, and are available in English at 16:00, Spanish at 17:00, and in Catalan at 18:00.
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