15 Most Important Things to Know about Spain's Digital Nomad Visa

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Spain's Digital Nomad Visa

Spain’s digital nomad visa allows individuals to live and work remotely in Spain for one to three years before needing to renew the visa. The main benefits of Spain’s digital nomad visa are that you will be able to live and work in Spain as a remote worker for an extended period of time while enjoying the country’s culture and lifestyle. Once you are living in Spain, you will be able to apply for a special, lower tax rate and, moreover, you will be able to apply for long-term residence if you wish to stay longer.

1. What Is Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa and How Does It Work?

Spain’s digital nomad visa is a special type of visa for individuals who are able to work remotely. It’s a pilot program that was introduced by the government to attract digital nomads, entrepreneurs and freelancers to live and work in Spain, allowing them to stay for one to three years, with the possibility of renewal, while working remotely for a foreign employer or as self-employed individuals. To qualify, applicants must meet certain requirements such as having a valid passport, proof of financial means, health insurance and a signed declaration stating they will not be a burden on the Spanish public health-care system. Applicants must also provide proof of accommodation and a digital nomad lifestyle. The visa allows digital nomads to enjoy a lower tax rate and the beautiful culture and lifestyle of Spain.

2. Who Is Eligible for Spain's Digital Nomad Visa?

US citizens are eligible for Spain's digital nomad visa. Indeed, it is open to applicants of all non-EU nationalities, such as US citizens and UK nationals, who can demonstrate that they are self-employed or employees of a foreign company and can carry out their work remotely. As stated above, applicants also need to meet other requirements such as having a valid passport, proof of financial means, health insurance and a signed declaration stating that they will not be a burden on the Spanish public health-care system. Additionally, they must not undertake any paid work in Spain and can only work remotely for a foreign employer or clients located outside of Spain.

3. Can I Bring My Family with Me to Spain on a Digital Nomad Visa?

Yes. When Spain's digital nomad visa was being debated it was intended for individual applicants who wish to live and work remotely in Spain, so no provision was contemplated for including dependents or family members. However, when the digital nomad visa was finally made into law by the Spanish government, this was changed so that family members, such as your spouse and children, can apply also as dependents.

4. How Long Does Spain's Digital Nomad Visa Last?

When you apply for Spain’s digital nomad visa from your home country such as the US or UK, your visa to stay in Spain will be approved for one year. However, when you apply for it inside of Spain, it will be approved for three years. The visa must be renewed within 90 days after it expires, and holders must also comply with all the conditions of the visa, such as not undertaking any activities that are not allowed under the visa and not becoming a burden on the Spanish public health-care system.

5. Can I Extend or Renew My Digital Nomad Visa and How Long Is the Renewal Period?

Yes, you can. If you applied for your digital nomad visa inside of Spain, you have only one renewal period of two years which gives you a total of five years. If you applied for your digital nomad visa from your home country, you will have two renewal periods of two years each, which also adds up to five years. You can apply for Spanish permanent residency after five years of your initial approval of your Spanish digital nomad visa.

6. How Can I Apply for Spain's Digital Nomad Visa?

The best way to apply for Spain's digital nomad visa would be by using a relocation agency that is the Spain visa expert. The professionals at a relocation agency like BCN Life can help you obtain a Spanish digital nomad visa in several ways using their extensive experience, language skills and knowledge of the system to help you in preparing the required documentation; this saves you time and effort, and—most importantly—reduces stress and anxiety.

7. How Can I Ensure My Spain Digital Nomad Visa Application Is Approved?

A professional service like BCN Life can improve your chances of success when applying for the Spanish digital nomad visa by providing guidance throughout the process. BCN Life can assist with obtaining required documents such as proof of financial means and health insurance, as well as helping to ensure that all documentation is completed correctly. Additionally, BCN Life can assist with coordinating appointments and ensuring that all deadlines are met. BCN Life can also provide guidance on how to prove that you are a digital nomad and not a tourist, which is crucial in the application process. Furthermore, BCN Life can assist with filling out forms, and provide ongoing support and advice once you arrive in Spain. Overall, a professional service like BCN Life can help ensure that your application is as strong as possible and increase your chances of success.

8. How Long Does It Take To Receive a Decision on the Spain Digital Nomad Visa Application?

The duration for receiving a decision on a digital nomad visa application can vary depending on several factors such as the completeness of the application, the time of year and the specific consulate you are applying through. Typically, it can take one month to a few months to receive a decision. In general, the process is faster when applying inside of Spain versus from your home country.

9. What Are the Requirements for Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa?

Spain’s digital nomad visa requirements depend on your home country. For example, the requirements for US citizens include having a valid US passport with at least one year remaining before expiration, proof of sufficient financial means to support yourself during your stay in Spain, private Spanish health insurance, criminal record check by the FBI, a signed declaration stating that you will not be a burden on the Spanish public health-care system and a signed declaration stating that you will only be undertaking paid work activities in Spain for remote work as an employee for a foreign company, or as a self-employed individual working for foreign companies or clients. Other requirements include proof of accommodation in Spain and proof that you have a digital nomad lifestyle. A completed application form and the corresponding fees are also required.

10. What Are the Details of Digital Nomad Lifestyle for Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa?

The Spanish government does not have specific guidelines for what constitutes a "digital nomad lifestyle" for the purpose of the digital nomad visa. However, in order to be eligible, applicants must demonstrate that they are able to support themselves financially and have a stable source of income. Applicants must also provide proof of accommodation in Spain, and agree to not undertake any paid work activities in Spain other than remote work. 

11. How Do I Find Private Spanish Health Insurance?

BCN Life is a relocation agency based in Barcelona with a team of experts that specialize in helping individuals and families move to Spain. They have extensive knowledge of the Spanish health-care system, and can help you find private health insurance that meets the requirements for Spain’s digital nomad visa. They can also assist with other aspects of the process such as finding accommodation, obtaining a criminal record check and providing guidance on the required documentation. Using BCN Life can help ensure that your application is complete and meets all the requirements, which can increase your chances of success and make the process less stressful.

12. Are There Any Tax Benefits to Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa?

Yes! Successful applicants are eligible to receive the special tax rate of 24% for the duration of their stay in Spain. This tax rate applies to non-residents of Spain and is lower than the tax rate for Spanish residents. To receive this special tax rate, you will need to provide proof that you are a digital nomad, such as a declaration from your employer or clients. It is important to note that the tax laws in Spain are very complicated so you should consult with a professional like those at BCN Life to understand your specific situation.

13. What Is the Difference between the Digital Nomad Visa and Non-lucrative Visa?

Spain’s non-lucrative visa is a long-term residence visa that allows non-EU citizens to live in Spain initially for up to one year without the need to work or conduct business in the country, while Spain’s digital nomad visa allows remote workers from other countries to live and work in Spain for an initial period of three years when applicants file their application inside of Spain. The digital nomad visa is specifically designed for people who are working remotely and want to live in Spain while continuing their remote work, while the non-lucrative visa is intended for people who want to live in Spain but do not intend to work or conduct business in the country.

14. Can I Work for Spanish Companies While on a Digital Nomad Visa?

In short, no. The digital nomad visa is only for remote work performed for a foreign employer or self-employed work for foreign companies. Working for Spanish companies while on this visa would be a violation of its terms and could result in the visa being canceled. It is important to comply with the conditions of the visa and not undertake any activities that are not allowed under it. However, the right professionals like those at  BCN Life can help you find a way to do work with a Spanish company if necessary.

15. Are There Any Restrictions on the Type of Work I Can Do While on Spain’s Digital Nomad Visa?

Spain’s digital nomad visa is intended for remote workers who will not be undertaking any paid work activities in Spain, except for remote work for a foreign employer or as self-employed from foreign companies. Any other type of work or activities are not allowed and may result in the revocation of the visa. Again, it is important to comply with the conditions of the visa to avoid any legal complications.

You can learn more about BCN Life Relocation Experts at bcn-life.com.

Lia Morse Mashaka, Akida Mashaka.

Akida Mashaka is co-founder and managing director of BCN Life, the leading Barcelona relocation agency for English-speaking expats. Akida is an American Harvard Law trained attorney from Los Angeles, California. He lives in Barcelona with his wife, Lia who is also his business partner, and his two children. 

Sponsored by BCN Life.

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