Q&A: Activities Allowed and/or Prohibited During the Coronavirus Confinement Period

An empty Barcelona during quarantine. Photo by Babette van Langeraad.

Protecció Civil explains the restrictions after the latest measures taken in recent days by public administrators. Here are some answers to frequent questions about what activities can and can't be done during the COVID-19 lockdown.

Can I enter or leave the municipalities?

Throughout Catalunya, there is an order that people remain sheltered in place during the quarantine period. You can only leave the house to shop for food, go to the pharmacy, get money, go to work, return home or to care for minors and the elderly and other vulnerable people.

Do I need a certificate to get around?

A self-report certificate is required to show that your commute complies with the restrictions. This commenced Monday, March 23.

Will grocery stores, supermarkets and the like be open?

Yes, these are deemed essential services. However, you should avoid crowds when shopping. The period you stay in an establishment must be kept to the minimum and only to make the necessary purchase. The Ministry of Health recommends keeping one to two meters between people.

Will supplies at grocery stores be available?

Yes, food distribution is considered an essential service and the arrival of commodities is coordinated with distribution platforms.

Can I meet people on the street?

No. Activities on the street are limited to the activities described above, and meetings are not included.

Can I take the children to the park?


Can I go shopping with dependent children if no one else is home?

You need to ask someone to bring food to your home. If this is not possible, avoid entering the stores.

Can I go and see my relative / friend / neighbor at home?

Only in the case of vulnerable or dependent persons. Also for the collection of minors at the addresses of the parents / guardians, including shared or similar custody regime.

Can I visit my dependent relatives?

Yes, to provide the care they require.

I am a dependent person. Can the person attending me come with me?

Yes, it is part of the essential services that are allowed.

Can I go to a funeral home?

Yes, respecting the measures planned to avoid crowds and keeping the distances. However, it is not allowed if the deceased died due to covid-19. The Mèmora group restricts public access to its funeral homes; only a small group of family members can enter it with a 30 minute limitation. No ceremonies or wakes will be held.

Can I take my dog ​​for a walk?

Yes, but only one person may go out at a time; you must remain close to home and only go out for as long as absolutely necessary.

Can I take out the garbage?


Can I use the community areas of the building where I live?

Only for indispensable activities, such as tending to laundry, but it must be performed individually. Community areas cannot be used for recreation.

Can I go to bars and restaurants?

No. They have been closed since March 14.

Can I go to the cinema or theater?

No. They have been closed since March 14.

Can I go to the gym or sports facilities?

No. All sports centers and gyms are closed and sports events have been cancelled.

Are the libraries, museums or civic centers open?

They have been closed since March 14.

Will shopping centers be open?

No, they are closed.

Can stores open?

The only stores or services that can remain open are: food/grocery shops, pharmacies, doctors, optical and orthopedic products, hygiene products, printing and stationery, gas stations, tobacco, technological and telecommunications equipment, pet foods, Internet commerce, telephone or mail services, dry cleaners and laundry services.

Can real estate agencies open?

No, because it is not included in the exceptions provided.

Can the notaries be open?

Yes, but by appointment only and only for urgent matters

Are automotive mechanics open?

They may open, but they cannot sell retail items.

Can the ITV be passed?

No, it has been decreed to close all centers.

Can I rent a car?

No. However, the return of rented vehicles will be allowed during the state of emergency.

Will auto mechanic workshops remain open?

Yes, but they cannot sell retail goods.

Can I move to another apartment? 

Yes, if your rental contract is expiring, it can be considered as justified. Bring supporting documentation.

I have a doctor's appointment. Can I go?

All non-urgent doctor’s visits are being postponed. Only urgent visits are allowed.

I have an appointment for physical therapy. Can I go?

All non-urgent appointments are being postponed.

Does public transport work?

Yes, but staff has been reduced to one third of normal levels.  It is not advisable to use it.

Can I go to the City Council (for fines, taxes ...)?

Before going there, consult with the City Council to see whether you can perform the procedures online or postpone the procedures. Administrative processing deadlines have been suspended (the next 15 days do not count within the time limits available for administrative procedures).

Is there a centralized information telephone number?

Call 012 for information. If you believe you have COVID-19 symptoms, call 061. The emergency number 112 is for emergencies only and NOT for questions.

Are emergency services functioning?


What is considered an essential service?

Security and emergency services, health care, prison services, social and residential services, funeral services, electricity, drinking water, wastewater, water purification services, fuels, gas, telecommunications, urban and industrial waste, health waste, health care supplies and pharmacy, human and food distribution for farms and animal centers, live animals (transport and veterinarians) and abattoirs.

What are the highest risk groups?

The Ministry of Health indicates that the highest risk groups are the elderly and those with chronic diseases, such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, heart or lung diseases and people with a compromised immune system.

Can I change child custody to another location?

Yes, as long as it is not one of the municipalities in the Òdena basin, where there is a confinement decree: Igualada, Òdena, Santa Margarida de Montbui and Vilanova del Camí. The child custody regime in force is not altered, which can be modified by agreement between the parents.

Are there any limitations on the number of people who can drive in private vehicles?

Yes, this should be done individually unless accompanied by a minor, an elderly person, a dependent or disabled person. Two people may also travel if the person to whom they are brought cannot drive and must go to the workplace, home or a health center.

Are there any limitations on the capacity of company vehicles?

No, but they should always be as few people as possible and respecting the safety distances as much as possible to minimize contagion.

Do taxis have a capacity limit?

Only one person can travel unless accompanied by a minor, an elderly person, a disabled person or a dependent person.

Can gas stations open the restaurant or bar?

No, but they can make it easier to sell food to take away.

This information is a public service announcement translated from BeTeVe.cat. You can read the original article here.

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