Eugenia Espinosa

My name is Eugenia Espinosa, I am 36 years old and I was born and raised in Mexico.

After studying an undergraduate degree in psychology in Mexico City, I decided to pursue a graduate degree in clinical psychology in New York City. It was in New York that I became interested in psychological issues related to immigration and acculturation. Many people don’t know that when we emigrate we go through various psychological stages that can be easily confused with an affective or conduct disorder, and are in fact difficulties that arise from moving to, or living in a country other than your own.

1. Where did the original idea come from?

When I moved to Barcelona five years ago, I decided I had enough experience as a psychologist, as a professional working with immigrants, and as an immigrant myself to start a private practice that focuses on those issues. I provide psychological treatment for people experiencing a wide array of difficulties; some of them stemming from being an immigrant in these complicated times.

2. How long did it take to get your business off the ground?

From my very first patient I considered that my business was off the ground!

3. What do you wish you’d known when you started?

That success is not measured by the amount of clients or patients you have. It is measured by the quality of the service you provide.

4. How easy was it to get the financing for your business?

I am lucky that my business doesn’t need a big investment. I am currently working at Balmes Centre, I pay a fee according to the amount of patients I have.

5. Did you find the paperwork difficult?

I was able to have my license approved and to become a part of the Colegi Oficial de Psicolegs de Catalunya from the very first year I lived here.

6. Did you get help from any particular official organisations or associations (e.g. Chambers of Commerce)? If so, please describe.


7. What is your business experience / background / qualifications?

I have an undergraduate degree in Psychology from the Universidad Iberoamericana, Mexico, a graduate degree in clinical psychology from the Graduate Centre, New York, and I also trained as a family therapist in the Hospital Sant Pau, Barcelona.

8. What are the positive aspects about having a business here?

I feel more grounded here in Barcelona; it gives my life here a sense of purpose and continuous growth. Another positive aspect is that I can pretty much manage my own schedule; having a small child with no family to help me here in Barcelona means that flexibility in my schedule is priceless.

9. And the negative aspects?

It all depends on me. When I am having a bad day or week no one is there to cover for me.

10. Are there any other useful contacts, tips or information you think would be useful to other foreign entrepreneurs in Barcelona? Please describe.

Believe you are a person that has something important to add to this society, and act upon that belief.

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