Extraterrestrials. Is There Life Beyond Earth?
CosmoCaixa Science Museum Carrer de Isaac Newton 26, 08022 Barcelona

Image courtesy of CosmoCaixa.
Extraterrestrials. Is There Life Beyond Earth? explores the fascination that the idea of the existence of extraterrestrial life has caused us, how we have imagined worlds beyond our own and projects some possible futures through science and technology. The exhibit features interactive elements, models, real pieces and audiovisual material.
The exhibition begins by placing us in the cosmos, because understanding our place in it is what leads us to wonder if extraterrestrial life exists; it draws out the philosophical dilemma that this would pose for us; it raises the questions of how the human imagination has reflected worlds beyond our own in art, film or literature; and, through scientific evidence, projects some possible futures if inhabited planets were discovered.
Space is the last of the frontiers, that which we still have to discover and explore. The human species has always speculated on the possibility of life on other planets and the confluence between science and imagination has led us to wonder if it was possible for that life to be intelligent; if we would be talking about peaceful creatures or if they would come to conquer and subdue us; and if they would be beings similar to humans or if their bodies would present a morphology adapted to a radically different ecosystem. We still do not have clear evidence, but for the first time scientific and technological advances allow us to glimpse some answers to these mysteries.
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